2018 McDonald's Happy Meal : Justice League Action
The Justice League Action animated show premiered in the UK on November
26, 2016, and the United States on December 16, 2016. McDonald's issued a
total of thirteen Justice League Action toys worldwide throughout
McDonald's released a set of eight Justice League Action toys in the United States on March 19, 2018. Each Happy Meal toy features two
different Justice League Action characters. The cartoon series was
simultaneously promoted at Burger King with different toys included in King
Jr. Meals.
The Contact Cards Case measures approximately 5.375 inches in height. The are
six Contact Cards attached to a two-ring binder inside the case. Moving the
switch to a corresponding logo selects a profile card for Superman, Wonder
Woman, Batman, Stargirl, The Flash, or
Supergirl. The
case cover contains a lenticular image that changes from Wonder Woman to
2018 McDonald's Happy Meal : Justice League Action | |
Batarang | Batman / Batgirl |
Binoculars | Superman / Supergirl |
Contact Cards Case | Justice League |
Contact Case | Wonder Woman / Batman |
Flying Disc | Superman / Wonder Woman |
Light-Up Megaphone | Superman / Supergirl |
Light-Up Sensor | The Flash / Wonder Woman |
Magnetic Grabber | Superman / Wonder Woman |
Mask | The Flash / Stargirl |
Periscope | Batman / Batgirl |
Signaller | Superman / Supergirl |
Step Counter | The Flash / Wonder Woman |
Stopwatch | The Flash / Wonder Woman |
An electronic Contact Case without any cards was distributed in the UK,
Argentina, and Uruguay. The device plays a sound effect when the button is
pressed. The alternate cover contains a larger lenticular image with a
different Wonder Woman graphic.
Eight toys were sold in Thailand restaurants from April 6 to May 3, 2018.
Eight toys were sold in Singapore from April 19 to May 16, 2018.
South Korea locations released eight toys in two waves on April 27 and
May 11, 2018.
McDonald's locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina offered twelve toys on
September 9, 2018.
Twelve toys were sold in Ukraine from August 24, 2018, to September 27, 2018.